Consider Between HDR & Flambient Photography P2

Consider HDR or flambient photography
If you have a property on listing and you want to make it stand out from the crowd, then it will save more time for selling it. But you are considering if real estate HDR or flambient photography will be more efficient for you? Today Nice Color will help you to differentiate them and you will know how to choose from them.

The efficiency of HDR or Flambient photography will suit you 

-First of all, efficiency is the first priority that you should consider. Your goal is to put your properties into a luxury market where you charge high prices and therefore shoot a low amount of properties. If so then flambient would be more suitable.
Or, as an agency, you want to shoot more properties in one day to reduce the cost of shooting. Or homeowners with tight budget money, it will make you think of HDR photography. In that scenario then efficiency becomes paramount and I definitely think HDR is the way to go.
In that competitive field, quality is the most important thing. But depending on your goal and budget, you can easily decide if this method is suitable for you or not. As an editor, I want to say that all these methods would be efficient in their own way. If you have a budget with more time, you are possible to choose flambient photography. However, from a photographer’s standpoint, it’s still more equipment to manage and cart around and prepare and it’s inevitably going to slow you down to some extent.

The Scalability of your real estate business

flambient photography
Consider HDR or flambient photography
All of the businesses want to expand more in the near future. So how you choose the photography method will decide which scale you can grow in the future. You are dreaming of an in-house team that has all flexible professional photographers? Then they will help you to shoot all the properties with high-quality images in a flexible time. Because you want consistent and replicable high-quality results across the board for all of the photographers you have shooting for you. In my point of view, consistency is the hallmark of any successful business. So deciding if you want to choose a method best suited to providing you with that consistency with your in-house photographer’s team?
As you know, the flambient photography method by nature requires professional photographers with more time and effort. Therefore, it has more variables and room for error and is more prone to inconsistencies in a team setting. Moreover, flambient which depends on the budget and time of homeowners will no doubt require more training time for any photographer you. In case you want to go further and faster with your business, then choosing a simple method like HDR photography is a more straightforward method. It is not only easier to yield more consistent results across a team of multiple photographers. But also less of an investment in time for training photographers and also less of a financial investment into equipment.

The Editing effect to your business in the future

Consider HDR or flambient photography
Consider HDR or flambient photography
One necessary aspect that you would put more attention to is editing when it comes to choosing between these methods. As you would know, flambient editing can be faster than hand-blending HDR brackets. But in the long run in the future and as your business scales and you are doing more and more shoots. Do you want to build an in-house editing team or will you outsource all or some of it? At this time, many businesses soon become overwhelmed by the amount of editing work they have to do. And your clients want to have stable quality with a fast turnaround time.
The reason we want to bring this point up is that I believe it’s going to be harder to find a professional editor as you wish. I mean they would be able to do as consistent and good of a job editing flambient images as they would HDR. Again, with flambient, there’s more up for interpretation when it comes to editing. And depend on photographers and the light sources, the weather, and other factors, it is difficult for them to turn those original files into amazing images for the first time. One way you can solve it is that you operate your own editor and train them on how you want your flambient images edited. This way, you may struggle with more troubles because it is not easy to fluent with flambient methods as it is not popular as HDR photo. So we recommend using HDR as a great way in both the shooting and editing aspects. Even if you have to work with multiple photographers and editors it may be the way to go.

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