Using Real Estate Video Content for your marketing campaign

real estate video content
Using Real Estate Video Content now becomes so popular among realtors and photographers. While you can use this kind of content for all of the marketing online platforms like website, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc. You also can use it as a great element to include with the emails and messages you send out to customers, prospects. It not only help you to strengthen the performance but also give a rich content for it. So Video is a powerful tool that more and more realtors choose to create a smart content for their digital strategy.

1. Real Estate Video content is easy to create.

Instead of showcasing many photos of the property, you can take a video clip for your home and make it impressive. And now it is easier for realtors and photographers to capture an amazing videos. Thanks to all-new technology and video-making programs available, we can easily to create effortless videos and make it difference. There are many ways to create a videos such as you can make a video with series of photos or capture a video tour, etc.  Before, in order to record a video, you need to prepare many expensive, high-end video equipment. These tasks can take you much time and effort and it also can increase the cost of producing.  Nowadays, we can save more time and effort by using many video apps, software, etc. These advanced tool with the help of video editors can provide a stunning video for your property.
In addition, homebuyers are now younger and they are tech-savvy. So they also can choose the most suitable content to access to get the much information possible. That’s way, they can admire the comprehensive view of the real estate property in the short of time with realistic feeling.  It is a very important factor when it comes to attracting more potential customers.

2. Video is rich content that can attract more customers.

real estate video content
Using real estate video content
As you may know, homebuyers are spending much time on online shopping. They want to find all the necessary information before taking the decision. So realtors are always busy finding new way to showcase the property in different kinds. And real estate video is one of the most efficient solution for them to show off many factors. From the whole views of the house with a guided tour video to promote specific properties. To an about us video or experts videos, or testimonial video that can help you to build up the reputation of the business. Then a drone video will help you to keep up with the development of the technology. Or you can be an Expert to show them some tips and tricks that they would love to know for their future house.
With the help of visual aesthetics and audio, video is the best way to help you to access more potential customers in the short time. As our researches, the brain can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. So using some video for your marketing campaign is the great way to impress your customers and make the sale happened quickly.

3. Real Estate Video content increases engagement and drives action.

All realtors and homeowners want to attract more potential customers with cheap price. And real estate video did a great job of increasing the target audience as you wish. Compare with pictures, video is more engaging thanks to its strong emotions it inspires to viewers. With a short video, you also can include all the selling points of the house and make it appeal to customers. Along with a powerful call to action, it can help you to evoke strong feelings like an impression of customers. So adding a video for your marketing concept is a great way to increase the engagements with your advertising.
After enthralling customers, real estate videos also help you to encourage them to take action. Research from KISSmetrics found that videos that include calls-to-action produce 380% more clicks than alternative CTA options, like buttons or written text. Bear in mind that including a call to action at the end of your video is the great key to driving action. For those who want to increase conversions, then a special guide is necessary to creating effective sales videos and has much more power compare with text or real estate images.\

4. Video content is memorable.

real estate video content
real estate video content
In the technology age, people want to keep up with the trend to get much more news. Then using a video with visual aids are the better way for people to watch and admire a beautiful property. So real estate video become the first priority to attract more buyers. As our researchs, viewers retain 95% of a video’s message as compared to 10% if reading it in text.
Video is an advanced content that can help realtors to get all the necessary views in a short time. It is able to draw up a total view of the property from the comprehensive views to specific details of the house in front of customers. Moreover, video recording is a realistic way that can build up the trust among the customers. These beautiful compelling video content are essential for drawing emotions and reactions. Emotions play an important role in making buyers’ decisions. Along with the faithful it provides, a video is a great tool to help you to  retain even more information.

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