Why should you use HDR photos for Real estate?

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HDR photos (HDR stands for high dynamic range), and these types of images display more exposure levels than cameras can typically capture with one shot. Especially when you take the twilight photo, you have to choose HDR photography to get all the features and details of the property.

Why are HDR photos necessary?

The HDR photography is one of the big breakthroughs of this field for its dynamic character as it named. And the reason for making an HDR image is due to the fact that our eyes can perceive an extraordinary range of contrast in a scene, a range far greater than any camera’s sensor can capture. We see into a scene’s brightly lit areas, and we can also tell what’s going on in the shadows.
Mr Lukas Kosslow-Photographer said:“The human eye has about 30 stops of dynamic range it can process, while your top cameras nowadays have only anywhere between 12 and 15,”. While the human eye can look at a scene and adjust very quickly as it looks into the shadows and brighter areas of that dynamic range, that adjustment is not something cameras can do. Then we need HDR brackets to get all the details of the scents.

When are HDR photos most useful?

When it comes to HDR photos, photographers usually choose them for landscape and architecture photography. Because this kind of photography is often done outdoors, it affects by the sunlight. or when you take an indoor HDR photo with the windows, the light coming in from these windows can blow out the photo. So in order to deal with this circumstant, photographers usually take an bracket of exposure. The professional editors will help you to merge them together and make them better with light.

How to shoot HDR images.

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Using HDR photos for real estate property
HDR photography is not easy to take, especially with newbie photographers. Today NiceColor will share with you some of necessary information about how to take HDR images.
For preparation, you should set your camera to take a bracket of images. Set the bracketing to 2 EV increments so that the first photo you take will be too dark, the second photo will be correctly exposed, and the third photo will be too light, or, over exposed. You can do it with 4steps:
  • Set your ISO to its lowest setting
  • Use aperture priority mode
  • Set exposure bracketing (AEB) to take three frames at two EV increments, or five at one EV increments.
  • Use a tripod if at all possible
It is easier for you to process HDR images with a minimum of three photos of the same scene. With these different exposures, you have a chance to grab all details information of the scent like the highlights, midtone, and shadow. You will then merge these into one final image using photo editing software, like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom.

Why should you use HDR photos for Real Estate property?

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Using HDR photos for real estate property
Professional photographers usually choose HDR for their listings for many advantages. First of all, naturally-blended HDR images provide an accurate representation of an interior and exterior too. By maintaining the original colors and details while only enhancing the brightness and accentuating shadows, you will get the realistic photos of the property as your customers want.
  • Save highlights and balance shadows: Even a professional photographer, in order to shoot a perfect interior images with window pull is especially difficult. For example, photographing a living-room with a window view may have multiple light sources. With HDR photos, you can preserve the contours from window light while retaining the room’s vibrant colors.
  • Increased details: Thanks to the brackets of images, photographers have chance to grab all the details even smallest, and bring out all the feature of the property. HDR photos are the best way to prevents the important elements like fixtures or furniture. Likewise, you can enhance textures for sharpness and greater clarity.
  • Overcome tricky lighting conditions: There are times when combining natural light and external lights can create complex lighting. Better than spending too long adjusting your lighting and camera position, an HDR composite image can counteract high contrast lighting in one image.
Nice Color are major of Real estate HDR photos. Our team with well-trained editors are familiar with bracket of HDR images. We are trying our best to make your property as you wish. For more information about price and our sample trial, please contact us.

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